Monday, February 13, 2006


This is it. You are here. I am so happy to see you! So look, this is where I tell you what the deal is with all of this. I'm going to post something...the context of which will be about a band. There will be pictures, and mp3s and such. It'll be kind of a big deal. You can then choose to leave a comment, a review, a poem...whatever tickles you. Or not. You may want to take some time and get some tea first. Or just dive right in. It's up to you... either way is fine by me. The goal is to shine some light on some amazing talent. The thing is that I come across soooo many bands on an everyday basis. It makes me dizzy at times. But it's part of my job and so I deal with it. It is my belief though that we should all support the music community. It's just a nice thing to do. Anyway, I think this could be fun. Plus people are always asking me for new music... so really, I'm just making my life and yours easier. How do I pick the bands that go here? Well, maybe they're friends of mine... or I saw them at a show last night... or perhaps you told me about them. I'll try to be as thorough as possible and include things like upcoming shows, band websites, etc. Also, feedback is good. If I can do something to make this even more fun for you... well, then you had better tell me! Okay, enough jibber jabber....


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