Tuesday, February 21, 2006

regina spektor

Look... yesterday was a horrible day. I'm not even going to delve into that though. The only reason I even bother to bring it up is to illustrate a point : Music is healing. It is a confidant. It is my worst enemy and my best lover. And the music of this lady, Regina Spektor, was the only thing that brought a lightness to my otherwise dark day. (Well, that and Andrew's rendition of "1979", but I digress.) My friend told me that he imagined Regina as that totally spunky off-the-wall girl who always played at open mic nights at coffeehouses. I have no idea how close that is, but there is definitely a spunk about her. Her lyrics are clever and colorful... with dashes of humor thrown in here and there. She has a powerful voice that soars over her piano. A visit to her website is recommended. There's even a version of tetris for you to play called "spektris". You can also visit her here to listen to tracks from her album Soviet Kitsch. It's a great album and often inspires sing-alongs. (Just ask anyone who has had the unfortunate timing of being in the car with me while it plays.) Go now and have better days.


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